Stop color change
What's this?
This is an REST API to get a requested color, its complementary and its grayscale in different formats and the black or white text corresponding to each color according to its brightness.
Color formats
You can use Keyword, HEX(3,4,6 or 8 characters), RGB or RGBA and HSL or HSLA formats to send your color.
Returned colors
Base (requested)
Base (requested) without alpha
Contrasted text
Complementary without alpha
Contrasted text
Grayscale without alpha
Contrasted text
Returned colors in JSON
                        "base": {...},
                        "base_without_alpha": {...},
                        "base_without_alpha_contrasted_text": {...},
                        "complementary": {...},
                        "complementary_without_alpha": {...},
                        "complementary_without_alpha_contrasted_text": {...},
                        "grayscale": {...},
                        "grayscale_without_alpha": {...},
                        "grayscale_without_alpha_contrasted_text": {...}
Data for each color in JSON
                        "keyword": "aquamarine",
                        "hex": {
                            "value": "#7fffd4",
                            "composition": {
                            "red": "7f",
                            "green": "ff",
                            "blue": "d4"
                        "rgb": {
                            "value": "rgb(127, 255, 212)",
                            "composition": {
                            "red": 127,
                            "green": 255,
                            "blue": 212
                        "hsl": {
                            "value": "hsl(160, 100%, 75%)",
                            "composition": {
                            "hue": 160,
                            "saturation": 100,
                            "lightness": 75
                        "hsl_raw": {
                            "value": "hsl(159.84375, 100%, 74.90196%)",
                            "composition": {
                            "hue": 159.84375,
                            "saturation": 100,
                            "lightness": 74.90196
Example error API response
                    "status": "error",
                    "error": {
                        "type": "wrong color format",
                        "value": "yellou",
                        "message": "not a valid KEYWORD color"
Example success API response
    "status": "success",
    "base": {
        "keyword": "",
        "hex": {
            "value": "#eebbdc80",
            "composition": {
                "red": "ee",
                "green": "bb",
                "blue": "dc",
                "alpha": "80"
        "rgba": {
            "value": "rgba(238, 187, 220, 0.5)",
            "composition": {
                "red": 238,
                "green": 187,
                "blue": 220,
                "alpha": 0.50196
        "hsla": {
            "value": "hsla(321, 60%, 83%, 0.5)",
            "composition": {
                "hue": 321,
                "saturation": 60,
                "lightness": 83,
                "alpha": 0.50196
        "hsla_raw": {
            "value": "hsla(321.17647, 60%, 83.33333%, 0.5)",
            "composition": {
                "hue": 321.17647,
                "saturation": 60,
                "lightness": 83.33333,
                "alpha": 0.50196
    "base_without_alpha": {
        "keyword": "",
        "hex": {
            "value": "#eebbdc",
            "composition": {
                "red": "ee",
                "green": "bb",
                "blue": "dc"
        "rgb": {
            "value": "rgb(238, 187, 220)",
            "composition": {
                "red": 238,
                "green": 187,
                "blue": 220
        "hsl": {
            "value": "hsl(321, 60%, 83%)",
            "composition": {
                "hue": 321,
                "saturation": 60,
                "lightness": 83
        "hsl_raw": {
            "value": "hsl(321.17647, 60%, 83.33333%)",
            "composition": {
                "hue": 321.17647,
                "saturation": 60,
                "lightness": 83.33333
    "base_without_alpha_contrasted_text": {
        "keyword": "black",
        "hex": {
            "value": "#000000",
            "composition": {
                "red": "00",
                "green": "00",
                "blue": "00"
        "rgb": {
            "value": "rgb(0, 0, 0)",
            "composition": {
                "red": 0,
                "green": 0,
                "blue": 0
        "hsl": {
            "value": "hsl(0, 0%, 0%)",
            "composition": {
                "hue": 0,
                "saturation": 0,
                "lightness": 0
        "hsl_raw": {
            "value": "hsl(0, 0%, 0%)",
            "composition": {
                "hue": 0,
                "saturation": 0,
                "lightness": 0
    "complementary": {
        "keyword": "",
        "hex": {
            "value": "#11442380",
            "composition": {
                "red": "11",
                "green": "44",
                "blue": "23",
                "alpha": "80"
        "rgba": {
            "value": "rgba(17, 68, 35, 0.5)",
            "composition": {
                "red": 17,
                "green": 68,
                "blue": 35,
                "alpha": 0.50196
        "hsla": {
            "value": "hsla(141, 60%, 17%, 0.5)",
            "composition": {
                "hue": 141,
                "saturation": 60,
                "lightness": 17,
                "alpha": 0.50196
        "hsla_raw": {
            "value": "hsla(141.17647, 60%, 16.66667%, 0.5)",
            "composition": {
                "hue": 141.17647,
                "saturation": 60,
                "lightness": 16.66667,
                "alpha": 0.50196
    "complementary_without_alpha": {
        "keyword": "",
        "hex": {
            "value": "#114423",
            "composition": {
                "red": "11",
                "green": "44",
                "blue": "23"
        "rgb": {
            "value": "rgb(17, 68, 35)",
            "composition": {
                "red": 17,
                "green": 68,
                "blue": 35
        "hsl": {
            "value": "hsl(141, 60%, 17%)",
            "composition": {
                "hue": 141,
                "saturation": 60,
                "lightness": 17
        "hsl_raw": {
            "value": "hsl(141.17647, 60%, 16.66667%)",
            "composition": {
                "hue": 141.17647,
                "saturation": 60,
                "lightness": 16.66667
    "complementary_without_alpha_contrasted_text": {
        "keyword": "white",
        "hex": {
            "value": "#ffffff",
            "composition": {
                "red": "ff",
                "green": "ff",
                "blue": "ff"
        "rgb": {
            "value": "rgb(255, 255, 255)",
            "composition": {
                "red": 255,
                "green": 255,
                "blue": 255
        "hsl": {
            "value": "hsl(0, 0%, 100%)",
            "composition": {
                "hue": 0,
                "saturation": 0,
                "lightness": 100
        "hsl_raw": {
            "value": "hsl(0, 0%, 100%)",
            "composition": {
                "hue": 0,
                "saturation": 0,
                "lightness": 100
    "grayscale": {
        "keyword": "",
        "hex": {
            "value": "#d4d4d480",
            "composition": {
                "red": "d4",
                "green": "d4",
                "blue": "d4",
                "alpha": "80"
        "rgba": {
            "value": "rgba(212, 212, 212, 0.5)",
            "composition": {
                "red": 212,
                "green": 212,
                "blue": 212,
                "alpha": 0.50196
        "hsla": {
            "value": "hsla(321, 0%, 83%, 0.5)",
            "composition": {
                "hue": 321,
                "saturation": 0,
                "lightness": 83,
                "alpha": 0.50196
        "hsla_raw": {
            "value": "hsla(321.17647, 0%, 83.33333%, 0.5)",
            "composition": {
                "hue": 321.17647,
                "saturation": 0,
                "lightness": 83.33333,
                "alpha": 0.50196
    "grayscale_without_alpha": {
        "keyword": "",
        "hex": {
            "value": "#d4d4d4",
            "composition": {
                "red": "d4",
                "green": "d4",
                "blue": "d4"
        "rgb": {
            "value": "rgb(212, 212, 212)",
            "composition": {
                "red": 212,
                "green": 212,
                "blue": 212
        "hsl": {
            "value": "hsl(321, 0%, 83%)",
            "composition": {
                "hue": 321,
                "saturation": 0,
                "lightness": 83
        "hsl_raw": {
            "value": "hsl(321.17647, 0%, 83.33333%)",
            "composition": {
                "hue": 321.17647,
                "saturation": 0,
                "lightness": 83.33333
    "grayscale_without_alpha_contrasted_text": {
        "keyword": "black",
        "hex": {
            "value": "#000000",
            "composition": {
                "red": "00",
                "green": "00",
                "blue": "00"
        "rgb": {
            "value": "rgb(0, 0, 0)",
            "composition": {
                "red": 0,
                "green": 0,
                "blue": 0
        "hsl": {
            "value": "hsl(0, 0%, 0%)",
            "composition": {
                "hue": 0,
                "saturation": 0,
                "lightness": 0
        "hsl_raw": {
            "value": "hsl(0, 0%, 0%)",
            "composition": {
                "hue": 0,
                "saturation": 0,
                "lightness": 0